- Phone: (+34) XXX XX XX XX |
- E-mail: info@trofeomarenostrum.com
The REAL CLUB NAUTICO DE PALMA Sporting Association is the owner of the rcnp.es domain, its address being Muelle San Pedro 1, Palma de Mallorca (Balearic Islands), holder of CIF (Tax No.) G-07019268 and registered in the Balearic Islands Sporting Associations Register dated 15/12/1987 under D.C. number 0806.
REAL CLUB NAUTICO DE PALMA may change the design, presentation and/or configuration of the Website at any moment and without prior warning as well as any or all services, and add new services. Use of this Website implies full acceptance of the stipulations included in this Notice in the version published by the REAL CLUB NAUTICO DE PALMA when the User accesses the Website.
If the parents or guardians agree minors in their charge may use the duly registered REAL CLUB NAUTICO PALMA's services, the former are to be held responsible for the minors' behaviour, control of access as well as the possible consequences arising from inappropriate use of the REAL CLUB NAUTICO DE PALMA's minor services.
The parents or guardians should be aware that the REAL CLUB NAUTICO DE PALMA does not guarantee all content on this website to be suitable for minors.
The user accepts the use of cookies and IP tracing. Our website traffic analyser uses cookies and IP tracing allowing us to collect information for statistical purposes such as: date of first visit, number of times it has been visited, date of last visit, URL and host domain, browser used and screen resolution. However, the user may, if they wish, deactivate and/or eliminate these cookies following internet browser instructions.
The material on the REAL CLUB NAUTICO DE PALMA network, including texts, software, source codes for HTML, Java and Flash, photos, videos, graphics, music and sound is protected by copyright. Downloading and using copyright material supplied by RCNP.ES is allowed strictly for private use as set out in the applicable legal stipulations and present business conditions.
In no way does access to said Webpages imply any type of total or partial renunciation, transfer or surrender of said rights, nor does it confer any right to use, alter, capitalise on, reproduce, distribute or publically broadcast said content without the prior express authorisation specifically granted to such effect by the REAL CLUB NAUTICO DE PALMA or the third party owner of the rights in question, except for the right to view and obtain a private security copy of such content as long as said right is practised according to the principles of good faith and where, in all cases, the possible private security copy, the copyright and other identifying information as to the rights of the REAL CLUB NAUTICO DE PALMA or third party owners of the latter over said content are maintained unaltered, as well as this being done without commercial intent and solely for the user's personal information.
Where the User provides their personal information via any of the methods provided on the Portal, this shall be included in a file duly declared to the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (Spanish Agency for the Protection of Information). This File is owned and the responsibility of the REAL CLUB NAUTICO DE PALMA. Personal information provided shall be stored in Spain.
The user may access their information and, by exercising their access rights, change it and, if applicable, cancel in accordance with what is set out in the Personal Data Protection Act 15/1999, dated 13th December and in other applicable regulations, by addressing the:
Regatta Office
Muelle San Pedro, 1
07012 Palma de Mallorca
The user must always attach a photocopy of their DNI (ID Card) or equivalent document if they are not Spanish.
The REAL CLUB NAUTICO PALMA shall take all reasonable measures to confirm user identity before providing personal information held about them.
The REAL CLUB NAUTICO PALMA shall not be held responsible for any type of damages possibly due to the lack of exactness, exhaustiveness, updating as well as errors or omissions that could affect the information and services contained on this Website or other contents accessible thereon. The REAL CLUB NAUTICO shall, however, accept the duty and commitment to watch over and change any content or information on this website.
The REAL CLUB NAUTICO PALMA neither guarantees the availability, continuity, nor the infallibility of the Website's functioning and, consequently, excludes, as far as current law allows, any responsibility for any type of damages possibly due to the lack of the Website's availability or continued functioning and the services thereon, as well as the errors in accessing different webpages or those from where, if applicable, said services are provided.
The REAL CLUB NAUTICO PALMA does not accept any responsibility for damages of any kind possibly due to services provided by third parties via this Website as well as the means the latter enable to manage service applications and, concretely, including but not limited to: disloyal competition and illicit publicity as a consequence of the service provision by third parties via the Website, as well as the lack of truthfulness, exactness, exhaustiveness, defects, faults, pertinence and/or updating of the contents broadcast, transmitted, stored, received, obtained, made available or accessible on the services provided by third parties via this Website.
Specifically, the REAL CLUB NAUTICO PALMA refuses any type of responsibility for the business operated by the companies ACCIONA and ULTRAMAR EXPRESS on this Website for ticket sales for sea travel and sale of accommodation respectively, the user having to follow the General Terms and Conditions set out by said companies in the framework of the services they provide via this website.
The REAL CLUB NAUTICO PALMA duly informs that broadcasting information via the internet, whether by e-mail or web-based mail, is only secure when encrypted. It is possible for user messages to be sent via an indeterminate number of countries before arriving at their destination; this is the nature of the World Wide Web/Intranet. The REAL CLUB NAUTICO PALMA may not be held responsible for any unauthorised access or loss of personal information out of our control.
The rcnp.es dominion contains links to other sites. The REAL CLUB NAUTICO PALMA is not responsible for the privacy policy of these sites. Maximum precaution is recommended to the user when leaving the present site where you should read the privacy policy of each and every one of the sites collecting identifying personal information. This privacy policy is only applicable to information contained in the REAL CLUB NAUTICO PALMA website.
Consequently, both access to said Webpages and the use possibly made of the information and contents included on the latter are carried out under sole responsibility of whoever so does it, with the REAL CLUB NAUTICO DE PALMA in no way or measure responsible for either direct or indirect damages, nor consequential damages nor loss of profits for possible prejudice due to using the information and contents accessible on said Webpage or access to other Webpages or contents of third parties via the connections or links.
The REAL CLUB NAUTICO DE PALMA shall also in no way be held responsible, not even indirectly or secondarily for products or services provided or offered by other persons or institutions, or for content, information, communication, opinions or demonstrations of any type coming from or revealed by third parties that are accessible via the REAL CLUB NAUTICO DE PALMA Webpages.
The REAL CLUB NAUTICO DE PALMA reserves the right to temporarily suspend access to its Webpages, without the need for prior notice, due to the possible need to carry out maintenance, repair, updating or improvement work. The REAL CLUB NAUTICO DE PALMA also reserves the unilateral right, in all circumstances, to change the access conditions to said pages as well as the contents thereon.
En las Webs del REAL CLUB NÁUTICO PALMA utilizamos cookies. En caso de utilizar nuestras webs sin proceder a la desactivación de las cookies en su navegador, manifiesta su consentimiento para la instalación de las mismas.
Una cookie es un pequeño archivo que se almacena en el ordenador del usuario y permite reconocerle, aunque en ningún caso se trata de información de carácter personal que permita identificarle. Sus principales funciones son llevar el control de usuarios, o conseguir información sobre los hábitos de navegación. Las cookies son esenciales para el funcionamiento de Internet, aportando innumerables ventajas en la prestación de servicios interactivos.
La información que le proporcionamos a continuación, le ayudará a comprender los diferentes tipos de cookies:
a) Según la forma de almacenamiento de los datos:
b) Según el nivel de relación con el usuario:
c) Según el nivel de intrusividad:
Usted tiene la opción de no recibir cookies o de ser informado acerca de su fijación mediante la configuración de su navegador. Para saber cómo configurar su navegador para gestionar las cookies, le invitamos a que consulte la ayuda de su navegador.
En caso de desactivar las cookies, es posible que no pueda hacer uso de todas las funcionalidades de la web.
Los usuarios pueden inhabilitar la herramienta Google Analitycs mediante la instalación en su navegador del complemento de inhabilitación creado por Google y disponible en el siguiente enlace: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=es
I agree to be governed by the Racing Rules for Sailing (RRS) of the WORLD SAILING, by the prescriptions to the RRS of the Real Federación Española de Vela, by the class rules, by the Notice of Race and by the Sailing Instructions, and I accept the penalties assessed under these rules and such other action as may be taken hereunder, subject to such appeal and review procedures as are provided herein, as the final determination of any matter arising under these rules, and I agree not to report to any court or tribunal not provided herein with respect to such determination.
I accept that under RRS 3 it is my alone responsibility to participate in the race or to continue racing and I agree not to report to any court or tribunal with respect to such decision and its consequences.